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For more than 38 years, HARRY GIGLIO has been creating internationally recognized, award-winning photography.

His experiences have taken him from the jungles of South America to the vastness of Alaska, from the coal mines of West Virginia to the streets of Europe. Harry has photographed an endless variety of people: chief executives of Fortune 500 companies and chiefs of Lakota tribes, school children and the elderly, steel workers and foreign bankers.

Harry Giglio’s passion for photography began soon after he graduated from Carnegie-Mellon University with a bachelor’s degree in fine arts.

Since that time, his work has garnered not only national, but worldwide awards. His imagery has appeared in a myriad of publications such as Photographer’s Forum, Klik, Communication Arts, The Black Book and American Photographer. Harry’s photographs have been seen by millions in countless magazines, annual reports and billboards as well as exhibitions in New York, LA, Chicago, Italy and Japan.

Much of Harry’s success can be attributed to his ability to work in any setting, in the studio or on location, and his intuitive sense to establish an immediate and enduring rapport with his subjects.

Over the past several years he has explored the art of street photography seeking to explore unique and creative aspects of people in their environments.

A complete portfolio of Harry’s work is available online at “” ­


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    Added By Harry Giglio